Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Would USA be really greater without India or Indians?

The H-1B  visa program helps the USA based companies by letting them hire highly skilled and professional in areas where there is shortage skilled American worker.

TRUMP'S 'Buy American, hire American' sounds great but the question is if there are enough number of skilled Americans for the jobs that many number of IT companies are providing in the US.
According to one of the reports, IT talent is one of the biggest shortage problem that US is facing. According to US Dept. Labour there could be about 2 million job opening in US by 2020, but the University's are unlikely to deliver even 30% of skilled graduates that are required.

Indian operating companies that are working in USA compensates the IT skills shortage which USA is facing. Therefore they are assisting American universities by backing STEM education programs.
TCS is working on this field since 2009, they are running a free flagship community program 'goIT' which has provided more than 100 thousand hours of skill building training in North America. And the best part is Americans are showing up their interest in these programs.

Even Infosys has sensed the deficiency of  skilled IT workers in USA and and they are training them on their own pattern. They are also funding 1k public school teachers in the field of computer science. Recently they set up their base in USA and since they have been working hard on this issue.
Wipro is also funding in many ways to counter their IT related problems.

But above all we find TCS as the biggest job creater in USA. They recruited about 13000 people from USA and emerged as the top employer of American Talent on IT SECTOR.
Globally TCS has influence in or more than 40 countries and alone in America it hires from 75 various colleges.

Since the USA suffers shortage from highly skilled IT employers, the Indian influence becomes extremely crucial and there are many IT workers who are from India.
Many here are holding H-1B visa are doing exactly that. Moreover many Indian immigrants are establishing their own companies in USA which in return is leading to the employment and trade opportunities to the people of USA.

And now according to H-1B employment effect resource H-1B visa which were given b/w 2010 - 2013 will create more than 10000 jobs to the people of USA by 2019.
Moreover a study showed that the immigrants are more attentive and gain more patents than the natives, where majority names for patents comes from Indian origin.

Elon musk and Jyoti Bansal both received H-1B visas. If the trump administration proposal to not extend the H-1B visa for those who are waiting for their green card implementation, it may unsettle lakhs of Indians who are currently settled in USA. The whole situation currently is quiet weird as there are very much Indian origin US citizen who have H-1B visa and they are arguably the backbone of US IT firm. This move is also weird especially when there's an IT shortage in USA.

After this being said.. There could also be possibility that this move could never be moved as there are plenty voices raising within USA which fears that this move could not only affect the US based IT sector, but could also harm the India - USA relationship. 

If this happen it could be a brain drain for America.. But that would not harm much to India as ot could be a brain gain to India and the Indians.

The reformation should be made in the existing H-1B visa to make sure that it is not being miss used. It is true that it might bring unrest in the country that if an immigrants does anything which could void the countries policy. But what India has brought to USA along with its IT skills are unique inhertage and vast spiritual knowledge, they brought big investments and also they have created jobs.

But one question remains above all.. Would America be really greater without India or Indians?

Sunday, January 7, 2018

What if a comet hits The Sun..??

Comets are nothing but collection of giant smoke and various gases which includes ice and several other materials. They trace elliptical orbits from The Sun. When they travel towards The Sun. They start melting and then we could see the tail of the COMET.
Not all Comets are lucky.. Few Comets are really close to our starts and they are keep on heading towards The Sun.. The outer layer of The Sun is Solar Corona whose surface temperature lies around 6000°c  and moreover sun isn't exact solid in shape. But it is collection of various gases. Which lets The Sun to maintain the heat and help it in burning. The Sun and it's gravity is so large that even if any tiny object whose mass is lesser than The Sun passes from nearby, Then possibly The Sun could destroy the object with it's heat or electromagnetic radiation or it could either merge the celestial body into itself. The only possibility to shake up The Sun is the heavenly body must be larger or heavier than The Sun.
The electromagnetic radiation are the major factor which poses danger, this is the same radiation that causes Sun burn. The rocks and ice in the comet has to be strong enough to sustain the radiation. If it starts breaking or melting then it can never pose threat to The Sun. But there are some comets which could survive actually the radiation and could withstand the heat produced by The Sun.
COMET ISON was one of those to comets to survive. It was said to be one of the strongest comets. But even that started melting when it was travelling and passing nearby to The Sun in 2013. The tail was so shiny that it could be seen from the earth..
Now let's assume what if actually a larger comet hits The Sun??
Not sure about that. But this can happen sooner or later. The normal speed of a comet is about 500-600 KMPS. But if it travels nearby to the sun. The force of speed of comet + the gravity pulling force combines up and creates a deadly. The deadly reaction would not affect the sun very much. But the collision would sure imply certain affect on the sun
The collision will cause in an airburst which would release a heavy amount of UV as well as X-Rays. Which would be as powerful as the MAGNETIC FLAIRS.. Or Corona mass temperature (greater than 6000°c) and that would result in affecting certain parts of areas, resulting SUN QUAKES.

Truly.. Space is Amazing 😄
